Training your brain to think in English (英語脳にするには?)
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Each language learner has his/her own strategy of thinking and coming up with sentences in the target language. When you are immersed in it, your thoughts in that particular language become a part of your “internal language.” To put it simply, your mind is not translating your ideas from your mother tongue into the second language you are trying to learn anymore. It’s effortlessly using the English words and phrases you have in there without you even noticing it! Training your mind to do this more naturally helps you learn faster and makes it easier for you to express your thoughts in spoken words. Thinking in English indeed does not happen overnight and takes more conscious effort to do. And in today’s post, I’d like to share with you some tips that will help you get started.
1. Think in words and simple sentences
The first crucial step in getting your brain to think in English is to think in individual words. In your head, you can try naming things and sounds present around you. Doing this regularly helps your brain remember simple English words wherever and whenever you come across them. From there you can build your way up to constructing simple sentences, adding subjects and verbs into the mix.
2. Talk about your day
Being in line with keeping things simple, describing or talking about the daily surely helps a lot. From single words, you now try to make more by adding other sentences that relate with each other. You may start by talking about your routines which are in the present tense of the verb. To add some challenge to it, start changing the verbs to the future tense to talk about your plans for the day or the week. This will condition your brain to get used to creating sentences with varied time references.
3. Converse with yourself
Talking to oneself is always a good way of practicing speaking skills. By doing this, you are training your brain to anticipate and infer responses of the person you are talking to and at the same time preparing yourself what to say in certain situations. You can do both this and the previous tip aloud or in silence.
4. Make some changes
Changing a few small things can make huge improvements in your brain training. You can try changing the language settings of your mobile phone or your computer. When watching videos, you can also turn on the English subtitles to pick up new words and phrases. You may also refer to English dictionaries instead of ones in your native language when looking up meaning of unfamiliar words. Or maybe pick an English song to listen to for the week! Doing these seemingly simple changes will keep your English brain active every day!
With continued practice, you’d be able to find substantial changes in the way your brain thinks in English. Keep in mind to track your progress so you could incorporate more fun or challenging ways to turn that English switch on naturally. Have fun and good luck!
– Teacher Marilou 🌼
1. immersed (v.) (動詞) – to involve oneself deeply in a particular activity 浸かる
2. crucial (adj.) (形容詞) – of great importance とても重要な
3. infer (v.) (動詞) – to guess or to derive as a conclusion from facts 推量する
4. substantial (adj.) (形容詞) – considerable in quantity ; significantly great しっかりした、相当な
5. incorporate (v.) (動詞) – to include 組み入れる