私のユーリカモーメント4- スポーツに使う動詞Do / Go / Play
My Eureka Moment #4 – Do VS Go VS Play

I do yoga. ヨガをします。
I go jogging. ジョギングをします。
I play soccer. サッカーをします。
Hello! I know it’s been a while since I last wrote my eureka moment blog. As you know, Marilou and I have been putting out a lot of educational content on Podcasts and Spotify.
「ユーリカモーメント」のブログ、久しぶりの更新だけど、みんな元気にしてるかな?Marilou先生と私は、最近たくさんの学習内容をPodcast / Spotifyにアップしたんだよねぇ。
One of the lessons I wrote was about 3 of the trickier words in English and those are: do, play and go. Using and choosing the correct verbs for an activity may be a challenge for a lot of my Japanese learners because they are mainly using “-する” to form a verb in their speech.
For this blog, let me give you a little brain exercise by letting you in the basic rules of using the mentioned 3 verbs. Let’s get started.
その中のひとつが、do / play / goの三つのトリッキーな英単語の使い方。話し言葉でどれも「する」って訳す動詞じゃない?だから私の日本の生徒さまも、これを正しく選んで使うのが難しいみたいなんだよね。
Here are the basic rules. これが基本ルール。
1. Do is usually used for activities which are recreational and/or more of a serious discipline/training.
Example: I do yoga.
I do karate.
「Do」はリクリエーションや自己鍛錬 / トレーニングに使う動詞。
2. Play is mainly used for ball sports, team sports and also for musical instruments.
Example: We play soccer.
She plays the guitar.
3. Go is used for activities which involve moving from place A to place B.
Example: Let’s go jogging.
I will go swimming.
There you have it. If you want further practice click on this link to our podcast where Teacher Mina and Teacher Marilou challenge you to some quizzes to test your knowledge.
さあ、もう大丈夫だね。もしももっと深く知りたい場合は、以下のリンクでMina & Marilou先生があなたの知識をテストするクイズを出しているのでぜひチェックしてね。
See you on my next eureka moment! Now, time to teach!

“私のユーリカモーメント4- スポーツに使う動詞Do / Go / Play” に対して2件のコメントがあります。
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