




1. 世界中のたくさんの国々が公式言語としています。


2. ビジネスの世界では基本が英語です。


3. 英語はエンターテイメントをとおした文化理解に必要不可欠です。


4. 英語はさまざまな情報発信に使われています。



1. 英語は私たちの母国語ではありません


2. 英語は私たちの母国語ではありませんが、公用語なのです


3. フィリピン人は自然な発音で話をします

BPO (海外人材派遣業)はここ数年、フィリピン人を海外への派遣人材として採用する傾向にあります。それはフィリピン人が自然なアクセントで話しをするからです。世界中でもっとも聞き取りやすいのだそうです。

4. フィリピン人はいつも元気


5. フィリピン人は順応性がありよく気が付く



1. 教えることは私たちの天職です


2. 私たちはこれからの人材です

私たちの英会話教室は まだまだ若く、試したいことがたくさんあります。いただいたチャンスは一生懸命、期待に沿えるように努力する所存です。

3. 私たちは進んで何でも行います


4. お世話をします

私たちの生徒のみなさまは 「家庭的な」教室だ、とよく言ってくださいます。教育に妥協はありませんが生徒様に気持ちよく過ごしていただくことにいつも心がけています。

5. 地域貢献をします

月に一度のボランティア活動を通して私たちは市内のご年配のみなさまに 、英語をとおして楽しく相互文化理解をする場を提供しています。

6. 若さと情熱をもっています


In our times today, English is a language that is widely spoken across the globe.
People learn it for a variety of reasons.
English can be a personal skill goal, a way to improve one’s performance at work or study, a means to understand or establish communication with other people who use it, and many other purposes.
Whatever objectives a person has in mind about learning English, it would still be beneficial.
Nothing is lost; nothing is wasted.

What would Japan be like if it was a bilingual country ?

For many years, Japan had been a closed country.
There wasn’t a need to communicate with the “outside world.”
Thus, people during the time felt no need to learn a language other than their own.
However, times have changed. Japan has opened up to the rest of the world and there are more opportunities for everyone than ever!
It’s true that if you only intend to stay in Japan, then there might be no immediate need to learn an alternative language.
But if you are a dreamer, an innovator or simply an individual with a big idea, wouldn’t you want to share it to people other than fellow Japanese?
Imagine a nursery school or a kindergarten that uses English as a secondary language.
Imagine how thrilling it would be for children to communicate, not just with their Japanese friends but new foreign classmates as well.
Now, imagine how these early learners would fare when they get to junior high school, to university, and after that, to the real world of working adults.
Not only will it be beneficial for them in their early years of development, but it will also be a great advantage for them after leaving school permanently into adulthood.
The business idea that they have, they can now share not just with their fellow Japanese but also to those promising business partners in other countries.
And in return, they can also comprehend and add to the idea that these collaborators have to share with them.
A son or daughter who is already a successful doctor in Japan could have the chance to impart his/her knowledge and be recognized abroad as well.
Leaders could hire potentials from all around the globe if they knew how to speak English. The scenarios are infinite!
Now imagine all of the opportunities they might lose because they couldn’t speak another language.
It’s truly unfortunate if we let these chances slip.
This is where Excel English comes in.
The teachers from our school are driven, passionate teachers who want to expand their horizons.
They have the skill and determination to make a change, not only in their own country, but in the world as well.
What they needed was a chance to make this difference. In a fortuitous turn of events, one of our teachers met Chiba Cycle’s CEO, Kenichi Chiba.
Together, they established Excel English.
Mr. Chiba understood that the universal language will soon be a good tool to be at one’s disposal.
While a lot of people can’t comprehend how a bicycle shop and an English school go together yet, in the world that’s coming, it would make much more sense.
English will inevitably be an essential skill in the future.
Right now, Excel English wants to start a revolution.
We want to be able to contribute to the growth of Japan and witness its change from a primarily monolingual country into a bilingual nation.
But in order to do this, we need people to back us up.
Excel is but a small organization and what we can do at the moment is limited. However, if you give us an opportunity to make this change, we can fast-forward into the future we imagine Japan could have.
This is Excel’s dream, for English to be a bridge between the Philippines and Japan, and between Japan and the rest of the world.
It’s a big dream but all visions start somewhere and we want it to start here.


1. English is the official language in numerous countries around the world.

It’s estimated that over 2 billion people worldwide use English to communicate on a regular basis.

2. English is a dominant language in the business world.

Research has shown that cross-border business interaction uses English as a means of communication. In the global market, being able to speak and understand English is a game-changer.

3. English helps people to understand culture through entertainment.

Countless of the world’s top films, publications and music are circulated in English. Therefore, learning English will open up access to a wealth of entertainment and help you understand different cultures better.

4. English is used as a tool to convey information.

About 50% of the internet’s contents and other references are in English. If one is able to understand English, he/she would be able to have access to a tremendous amount of information and knowledge.


1. English is not their mother-tongue.

Many people would see this as a disadvantage. However, because English is not their first language, they are able to understand the processes of learning another language and thus, can relate to other language learners.

2. English is not their mother-tongue, but it’s an official language.

English is an official language in the Philippines. This means that English is everywhere. It’s on television, movies, signboards, books, documents, and other forms of media. It’s also the language used in teaching at school. This means that almost every Filipino has been using English since he/ she was young and is therefore well-acquainted with the language.

3. Filipinos speak with a neutral accent.

Over the years, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies have chosen to hire more Filipinos over other countries. This is because Filipinos speak with a neutral accent, the most comprehensible around the globe.

4. Filipinos are cheery.

According to studies, a light mood promotes all kinds of learning, and that includes English language learning. A happy, smiling face puts you in a better mood for studying than a frowny or even a neutral one.

5. Filipinos are flexible and resourceful.

With an understanding that everyone has individual learning differences, a Filipino teacher can easily adapt to the needs of the learner.


1. Teaching is our vocation.

EXCEL English teachers are passers of the Licensure Examination for Teachers in the Philippines. They also received training in two of the most prestigious state universities in the country.

2. We are only starting-out.

The school is in its humble beginnings and we have a lot to prove. If given the chance, we are sure to do our best to meet or exceed expectations.

3. We are willing.

EXCEL English teachers are driven by hope that Japan will be the place where people from the Philippines and the other parts of the world seek greater opportunities. For this to materialize, it takes a group of determined individuals to initiate.

4. We care.

Our students often comment on how “at-home” they feel at school. While we are not lenient on learning, we also do our best to make our students feel comfortable.

5. We give back to the society.

Once a month as volunteers, we cater to the elderly in the city by providing fun and interactive cultural exchange activities in English.

6. We have youthful energy.

The teachers have the kind of contagious energy needed to deliver impactful lessons.

7. We can handle a group.

Excel English teachers are also skillful in handling groups. This is because the school also provides group lessons every week enabling them to hone their talents in managing a crowd.