My eureka moment #2 – virus vs violence / 私のユーリカモーメント2-virus と violence
As promised, the answers to My Eureka Moment #1 quiz are going to be revealed in this blog.
Fear + less fearless = brave; having no fear; not afraid
Top + less topless = wearing no top or shirt or any clothing on their upper body
Time + less timeless = classic; unchanging
Spot + less spotless = clean; having no spot of dirt
Seed + less seedless = seeds have been removed
Sleep + less sleepless = having no sleep
The English language is ever-changing so don’t be afraid to create your own words with -less which are meaningful to you. Here’s a word I have been using recently. I don’t know whether it is used by others as I’ve never heard other English speakers use it before. It’s not in the dictionary too but this word makes sense to me. I have been make-upless because I am wearing a mask almost all day anyway. I found that there’s no point in putting on make-up as it is just wiped off by the mask. I have been make-upless and true enough, I have been loving the make-upless life. Can you guess what I meant by make-upless?
英語って変わり続けるものだから、 「-less」をつけて あなたがわかる単語を気にせずつくっちゃったってまあいいのよ。たとえばコレ、私が最近使ってる単語で、英語しゃべる人で使ってる人きいたことないんで他の人たちが使ってるかしらないし、辞書にも載っていないんだけどね。「make-upless 」っていう造語。(一日中マスクしているのでメークアップしてない、の意)。メークアップしてもマスクでとれちゃうし、メークアップするメリットが見いだせないことに気づいたの。 「make-upless 」 ってこんな文章使えるよね。「 I have been make-upless and true enough, I have been loving the make-upless life. 」みんな、この文章読んで 「make-upless 」 がどういう意味かわかったかな?
For this week’s eureka moment, I found that almost all of my students are mixing up the words ‘virus’ and ‘violence.’ This got me questioning why? Those two are totally different words in spelling and in meaning, but why are my students still mixing them up? And I realized that this all goes down to the pronunciation.
For a Japanese speaker, there are indeed some similarities between the two words.
virus is pronounced as ヴァイアラス
violence is pronounced asヴァイアレンス
virus( ヴァイアラス )
violence( ヴァイアレンス )
As you can see, the only disparity are the sounds ‘ラス’ and ‘レンス.’ What I’d suggest is to take care pronouncing the last syllable for either of them so as to make less mistakes using the words.
Try reading the following sentences and put a stress on the ‘ラス’ and ‘レンス’ sounds.
The virus is spreading rapidly.
Violence is never an option.
以下の文章を 「ラス」と「レンス」 のところを強調して読んでみよう。
The virus is spreading rapidly.
Violence is never an option.
Hope this helps! See you in my next eureka moment blog!
-Teacher Mina
Mina より